Friday, May 25, 2012

Zone 3, Friday week 4- almost the holiday weekend!

Despite this crow perched ominously on the "danger" sign that greeted me at Wrightsville Beach today, it was actually quite a pretty morning. My husband Jeff had the day off, so I also had a litter-picking-up buddy. Nice!

The total amount of trash that we picked up this morning was half of my reusable bag, which is equivalent to 2 plastic grocery bags. It consisted mostly of fast food drink cups, straws, snack wrappers such as granola bars and candy bars, broken sand toys, and plastic baggies. Recyclables that we picked up included 5 plastic water bottles, 6 plastic bottle caps, and 1 beer can. We also picked up 44 cigarette butts. We did come across a couple pairs of flip flops, but we elected to leave them because we thought they might belong to the surfers.

Overall, the litter was really bad for the first "unofficial" day of the holiday weekend. We were fortunate to also find a couple of good pieces of sea glass. There is already a rather large escarpment in zone 3, so be careful, everyone! :)

Susan Miller

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