Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nancy cleans around Johnnie Mercer Pier on 8/7 & 8/8.

Good morning Ginger,
On Tuesday, 08/07, I walked Zone 2 and collected 5 grocery store size bags of trash.  This included flip flops, broken styrofoam, a broken wire tie, plastic wrappers, plastic bottles, plastic cups, one can, sand shovels, straws, two balloons, and other various sorts of trash.  I also took three broken chairs to the cans as well as one towel and one sand pail.  The area around Johnnie Mercer's Pier was absolutely disgusting.  Most of the above mentioned litter was collected from there.  The amount of trash discarded under and around the area was mind-boggling.  I was unable to pick up on the south side of the pier because of time constraints, however, the sight of the trash littering the beach there made me feel ill.
On Wednesday, 08/08, I walked Zone 3 and picked up about 1.5 bags of trash.  Perhaps there was less to be found due to the recent rainy weather and fewer people on the beach.  My booty for the day included 5 flip flops, 5 balloons (water balloons, to be exact :() lots of plastic wrappers, a bathing suit bottom (huh???), broken toys, bottles, cups, cans, straws, and broken styrofoam pieces.  I placed one broken chair by the trash cans, as well.  
Have a great week!

On Tuesday in Zone 2, I also picked up a broken boogie board and placed that in the cans, as well.  Please add this info to my report for the week!  :)

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